
Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD - Review

Now that the SSD drives are being standardized as storage drives, we are seeing how external hard drives are being replaced by SSDs. In their favor, their fast read and write speeds allow easy playback of high-quality multimedia content without stopping, or the fast transfer of large files. In this review we find the 500 GB Seagate One Touch external SSD, which goes through several benchmarks to check its transfer capabilities.

We are grateful to Seagate for allowing us to review the product.


Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

Front look at the Seagate One Touch 500GB external SSD case. It does not promise a really small size, to carry in any trouser pocket, and even a cloud photo storage service.

Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

On the back we are informed that it is multiplatform for PC and Mac.

Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

We open the box and find the Seagate One Touch 500 GB external SSD neatly wrapped in plastic and in a cardboard holder.

Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

The SSD comes with a Micro USB B Super Speed ​​cable.


Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

The Seagate One Touch external 500GB SSD, out of the box. This model boasts a military camouflage design.

We have checked and it is really small as indicated, its size is really small and comfortable to carry in a bag or pocket.

Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

The connection is via USB Micro B Super Speed, so that if we lose the camle that comes standard, we can use a Micro USB, at the cost of losing some speed.

Seagate One Touch External SSD Benchmark

As usual, here, for any storage device, we care a lot about its data transfer speed. So we've run the Seagate One Touch 500GB external SSD through various benchmarks to collect objective data on its transfer capacity.

Benchmark 500GB Seagate One Touch external SSD

Anvil's Storage Utilities gives us results of 392 MB / s read and 358 MB / s write. Pretty good speed for such a small SSD.

Benchmark 500GB Seagate One Touch external SSD

In the case of ATTO Disk Benchmark, the reading speed reaches over 400 MB / s, and approaching 450 MB / s, and the reading speed comfortably exceeds the 358 MB / s that were given in Anvil's Storage Utilities.

benchmark 500GB Seagate One Touch external SSD

With CrystalDiskMark, the read speed is still pretty positive at 420MB / s sequential read. However, we noticed that the write speed stops being almost parallel and drops to 124 MB / s.


Takeaways on the Seagate One Touch 500GB External SSD

From what we have seen, this model of 500 GB Seagate One Touch external SSD has a big downside and that is the cable and its connection. It uses a Micro USB B Super Speed ​​that is difficult to replace as it is not a very widespread cable standard, and that is also at a clear disadvantage with USB-C. This can easily explain the difference between the write speeds that our benchmarks have left.

In addition, the cable is really short, just a few centimeters. This takes away a lot of mobility and use when, for example, we connect it to the mobile or directly to the tower of our PC. One of the key points of an external storage is that it is easy to move and use, and having such a short cable, it could give problems.

But if we remove the cable length problems and get a high speed Micro USB cable or a longer Super Speed ​​USB cable, these problems will go away. We are left with that the reading speed of the Seagate One Touchm external SSD is enviable high for a portable storage that will serve as a large repository of multimedia content, and that its small size means that we can even carry it in some large wallets.

  • A very commensurate price for a high speed mass storage device.
  • Very good reading speed, which makes it ideal for multimedia consumption.
  • The standard cable is very short and is not USB-C.
  • The writing speed, according to benchmarks, is unstable and has a lot of variation.
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Benjamin Rosa

Madrileño whose publishing career began in 2009. I love investigating curiosities that I later bring to you, readers, in articles. I studied photography, a skill that I use to create humorous photomontages.

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