How does Sweden deal with cryptocurrencies?

Sweden has been in the crypto world news recently because it wanted to limit cryptocurrencies. But beware, it was not about eliminating them completely and without hesitation. they really wanted to regulate the ones that use the Proof of Work, due to the needs to meet the energy saving requirements.
For those who do not know, cryptocurrencies are mined using complex algorithms to generate blocks of information to store the transactions that are made with them. The Proof of Work is what we see from farms with their huge mining rigs with hundreds or thousands of graphics cards mining. The most common alternative is “Proof of Stake” (Proof of Participation) in which the users themselves put their savings in cryptocurrencies at stake to secure transactions.
This Proof of Work is the one that dozens of alternative cryptocurrencies (altcoins) use to consume much less and take advantage of the fact that their user base is much smaller than that of Ethereum and Bitcoin. But it is also, Ethereum has warned that by the end of this year it will have gone from Proof of Work to Proof of Stake. When that happens, one of the most popular cryptocurrencies will be much less polluting and therefore Ethereum would not be subject to regulation for its energy consumption.
Investing in Swedish cryptocurrencies is investing in Sweden
So, apart from this proposal to regulate the most polluting cryptocurrencies, how and why to invest in Swedish cryptocurrencies precisely? The simplest way to say it is that investing in a cryptocurrency that is based in Sweden it is a way to indirectly invest in the Swedish economy. And since it is about cryptocurrencies, one of its maxims is to allow easy investment, being the app and web the best option for it.
Investing in a Swedish cryptocurrency is like investing in the country's economy
In his Swedish cryptocurrency exchange he has the aforementioned eKrona, a cryptocurrency based on the Swedish krona and linked to its economy. The Swedish economy is characterized by being very stable, taking very few risks and prioritizing activities that maintain the economy. In short, the Swedish economy and therefore its native cryptocurrencies are a way to leave a part of an investment fund to ensure a solid return almost guaranteed.

Normally, cryptocurrencies are promoted as a way to get quick money. But they have too fast and fluctuating stock swings to be recommended as a non-high-risk investment. As an example of the stability of a Swedish cryptocurrency we have as an example the Swedish krona itself. The swedish krona value against the euro has remained relatively stable despite international currency crises.
Thus, a cryptocurrency is presented that is not sold as the miraculous way to get easy money. This cryptocurrency is sold as an investment to keep a series of extraordinary savings saved and that it will hardly lose much of its value, but with which we can make certain investments.
Cryptocurrencies as a substitute for “the mattress”
It is a well known saying to keep money under the mattress for emergencies. Cash kept in a box that is not touched, except when there is an important and extraordinary payment to be made. Inevitably, the money, be it cash or in a bank account, loses its value due to the inflation of a currency, so experts recommend investing it in government bonds or fixed-term funds to ensure that it will not lose value.
And what happens if we are not convinced by fixed terms or state bonds? Cryptocurrencies come to meet this demand as one of its many uses. One of them would be to be able to deposit our emergency savings or a part of them and treat cryptocurrencies as our alternative time deposit without having to marry a bank and its schedules and applications.

Surely you are wondering if cryptocurrencies like Ethereum and Bitcoin are not very fluctuating in their prices. The answer is yes, but mainly because they are too popular for their own good. And although they seem to have found more or less stable value floors, their purchase to ensure a return on investment close to 100% is still risky.
The altcoins like eKrona they claim to be that investment option. Being alternative currencies by their own denomination, they do not have that enormous pressure to be profitable, yes or yes, and their prices are much lower, so the drops affect them much less and therefore their prices are more stable. It does not mean that your money will always maintain its value, since devaluations and inflations will always exist, but your money will not depend on the economy of your home country or the American.
How easy is it to invest in Swedish cryptocurrencies?
Fortunately, for many small investors who want to even try cryptocurrencies as a way to spend the extra money they have received, investing in cryptocurrencies is easy. You still need to identify yourself using an official document for reasons of treaties of the European Union if we want to invest in Swedish cryptocurrencies from Spain. But we can do it online, through our mobile and without queues.
Some applications and websites include value-added services in this highly competitive market. Dozens of technology companies are working to offer cryptocurrency services, but in the end almost all remain as mere intermediaries without offering more. In the example we gave of eKrona, they understand that the world of Swedish cryptocurrency trading is complex, especially with the entry of new users looking for new ways to invest. Its app presumes to advise users by hand, helping them contacted by a broker that will help them establish their account. Other services include the service to read the market and alerts to users when there are certain types of movements in the market.

Your trading bot it is not intended to make money in an exaggerated way. But she is more down to earth. Said trading robot helps users search for successful trades, based on the fact that an expert or successful trader is so because of his ability to read the market and not because of making constant movements by pure intuition and with a lot of luck. The most experienced traders, who are the ones who last the longest, focus on certain indicators in the market; which are what the eKrona trading bot focuses on to send alerts to users, who will be the ones who will decide if they want to make said investment or not.