
What is home automation and what should we take into account about this

The trend, especially in new homes, is the installation of systems that allow the control of different elements. More and more homes have home automation, either totally or partially. Before we start to install anything we should know a little more about the automated systems and if it is interesting or not for us.

Simple devices like RGB bulbs, smart speakers or smart plugs that we can control with our smartphone. For air conditioning or blind control, we must already turn to professional installers of home automation in Asturias, Catalonia, Madrid, Andalusia and anywhere in Spain.

What is home automation

Communication system between a user and a series of connected objects in a home. The more commons are usually the systems of pool heating (air conditioning or heating) and the blinds. We can also find smart plugs, smart bulbs and video surveillance systems.

We can define as objects connected to any device that has an internet connection. This connection is possible thanks to Internet of Things (IoT for its acronym in English).


What a home automation system does is collect information from all these connected objects in our home. The information is processed and a series of orders are generated that allow the automation of certain actions created by the user.

We cannot understand home automation without WiFi. The reason is that for the control of these devices we need a communication and information transfer system. WiFi networks are used for control and communication between objects.

La home automation It is designed to offer comfort to users. These can automate different actions from the smartphone, offering great comfort. This is how we obtain what is known as a smart home

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How home automation works

What home automation does is implement technological devices to the equipment of homes and / or buildings. This allows the user to centralized and agile control of the devices that we find in the installation.

Many of the devices in these devices have different sensors that collect information. The information is sent to the central automation through the communication network, in this case, the WiFi network.

Normally home automation systems have a central panel that allows the user to smart home controland. This can be done using the central panel of home automation or remotely via smartphone or other device.


Do I need it at home?

It is easy to see the great advantages that home automation can offer us. Having the blinds up when we get home, thus having natural light. If our air conditioning system, in summer we can have the house cool and warm in winter when we arrive. But it also has its drawbacks.

the first of the disadvantages of home automation is the price. We can find many different systems on the market with very low prices, but at what cost? These low-priced devices typically they often offer very little security against potential unwanted network access.

They can compromise our network. TAll devices connect to our WiFi and the internet, so we have a significant security breach. If our home automation system has security cameras, this could compromise our privacy. Also, if we have a computer on the network or a storage system, such as a NAS, they could be compromised.

The installation companies normally offer a pack of maintenance, that prioritizes user safety. Through a monthly fee, will be in charge of controlling security and correct firmware update connected devices.

Finally we have the problem of failures or breakage of any of the devices. If the installation of our house is well done and the air conditioning management system breaks down, we can turn it off using the corresponding magnetothermic. But in case of a blind, if it stays up or down it can be a big problem.

While managing our home remotely has certain advantages, it also has significant problems.

Should I install it at home?

This is quite difficult to say. If you want to do it at a very low cost, the truth is that it is not recommended. As we have already told you, the very inexpensive devices usually have very little security, and your network can be compromised. If we have security cameras, sure that The last thing we care about is getting caught in intimate activities and then being blackmailed.

We can choose not to install security cameras, it is evident, but, Does home automation really give us so much? We can be somewhat more efficient in energy management, but automation devices have consumptions. Raising and lowering the blinds if we are outside, unless we travel a lot, does not make much sense and can be a risk. We could raise the blind and the friend of the alien enter because he knows that we are not really at home.

Logically it haspositive aspects, especially for people with reduced mobility or mobility problems. For these people to be able control everything comfortably without having to move, it sure is a great benefit.

If we are going to carry out one of these installations, it is best to buy a quality kit that includes security features. Companies like Panasonic or Samsung offer very good quality items with security features.


For the elderly or people with reduced mobility, home automation can be a great solution. If we talk about a automated installation for a home, in general, here already we should analyze installation costs, security and functionality. There are many opinions about smart systems installations, so we will have to analyze all aspects and make a decision.

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Robert Sole

Director of Contents and Writing of this same website, technician in renewable energy generation systems and low voltage electrical technician. I work in front of a PC, in my free time I am in front of a PC and when I leave the house I am glued to the screen of my smartphone. Every morning when I wake up I walk across the Stargate to make some coffee and start watching YouTube videos. I once saw a dragon ... or was it a Dragonite?

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