
Providers like Netflix don't want you to share your account

Online TV providers don't like you sharing your account with people outside the home. Netflix may ask for your address.

Who does not share their account with Netflix, HBO, Orange or any other online provider? You give your login details to trusted people, generally friends or family even if you do not live in the same house or the same city. This way you get to have a detail with someone or at least you all pay a little less with shared plans. 

Providers want to make sure you share it at home and now

However Netflix and their counterparts know that family plans are not only shared in the same household, which is what they are for. Originally they are made so that several people can see their content on multiple screens and each one has their profile with recommendations ... But if several people in different households share, let's say it is not the way of use they had in mind.

Now Netflix has teamed up with HBO and American cable TV providers to try to eliminate this practice. Some measures they have proposed are to reset passwords on a regular basis, or send a code to subscribers' mobile phones via text messages so that they can continue to see the content. Others say that they could detect the devices that connect, and while a mobile or tablet would not have to have the same location as the main account, a fixed computer or a RokyTV or Findle Fire TV could be detected if they are not in the same location. than the main account. If that doesn't work, they might even ask for the fingerprint.

Those affected say that people sharing passwords robs them of 6 billion in revenue and considers it even worse than hacking. But now everything remains to be seen. These changes could come in a few months or even years because they have to make sure that they are not going to kick out legitimate customers who actually share the account with their family or is someone who uses Netflix on home television and their work computer. 

Source: Bloomberg

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Benjamin Rosa

Madrileño whose publishing career began in 2009. I love investigating curiosities that I later bring to you, readers, in articles. I studied photography, a skill that I use to create humorous photomontages.

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