CNMC report reveals data on streaming audiovisual content consumption in Spain

The CNMC has presented a report on which are the most popular platforms to view content today, the most popular paid content streaming platforms and the platforms used to view content.

Interesting is the report that has just been published by the CNMC, which indicates the data from the CNMC Household Panel for the 2nd quarter of 2017 and which has been disseminated by this group. The report talks about the content display platforms, analyzing the most popular platforms. The report highlights that households that do not use audiovisual content online have gone from 88% in December 2016 to 77% in June of this year. This represents a significant increase and the most benefited are Netflix and HBO.

The most popular platform for online audiovisual content, according to this report is Movistar + / Yomvi, which would be integrated into 14% of households that have Internet access. If we look at other platforms, we see how Netflix has doubled the data and is already in 1.163.000 Spanish homes, while HBO, platforms that just a year ago landed in our country, closed the second quarter of the year with a presence of 414.000.


It is obtained from this report that more and more users choose to consume digital content, with 4 out of 10, those who consume digital content at least once a week. The most popular contents are short videos, series and movies. The report also highlights the tastes of users, who have indicated that sporting events, soccer matches and informational programs prefer to be seen live on the network and series and movies are often consumed on demand.

Regarding preferred devices, the CNMC indicates that users continue to prefer smartphones, being used by 85% of users who access the network. Television as a means of accessing the Internet has increased by 50% in the last two years, although it is still a minority field.

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