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Daily Challenges and Bandage Bazooka return to Fortnite

The bandage bazooka returns to Fortnite. Epic Games has reintroduced patch notes in their updates.
After many weeks receiving update patches with no data in Fortnite, things that have angered fans, Epic Games has released a new patch this week, on 11.20. To the surprise of many, he has re-added the changes that they introduce in each patch. Below we list the changes introduced in version 11.20.
Changes in Fortnite 11.20
- Daily Challenges are back in Fortnite and can be completed to earn experience. Up to three are available at a time, and once a day you can replace one challenge with another.
- In The Box Office, you can now filter items by the season in which they were released. To filter your items by season, enter the season name in the search bar, using terms like “season 5,” “season x,” “episode 2 season 1,” etc.
- Now you can adjust the contrast of the user interface. To adjust the contrast of the UI, use the Contrast setting of the user interface in the Graphics section of the Video settings.
- A Tutorial playlist has been added for the mobile version of Fortnite.
- Microsoft DirectX 12 has been added to the PC version of Fortnite. To use Microsoft DirectX 12, it must be selected in the Advanced Graphics section of the Video settings.
- Adjusted the headshot multiplier on the Tactical Shotgun to now be in line with the headshot multiplier on the Log Shotgun.
- Increased effective health (sum of health + shield) given by Slurp barrels that can be found around the map.
- Resolved timing issues related to the Bandage Bazooka and has been re-enabled, allowing your Battle Pass challenge to be overcome again.
- Fixed bugs in the mobile version of Fortnite.
- Resolved the equipped item slot to be the selection slot when players open inventory.
- Fixed building issues that sometimes appeared poorly detailed on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One when players land on the map.
- The Ravager skin now looks the desired color.
- The John Wick set's pistol no longer looks bigger than anticipated.
- Magma Wrap now appears correctly on everything except Bandage Bazooka and Gun. Their appearance on these weapons will be corrected in a future version of Fortnite.
Source: PCGamesN