
What is Linux and what you should know about Linux

When we talk about operating systems, we generally talk about Windows, although in the most advanced sectors, the operating system most used by system and application administration professionals is a version of Linux. Although the correct term is GNU Linux, it is widely known as Linux.

Linux history

Linus Torvalds is the creator of Linux. In the 80s, Richard Stallman was creating a completely free operating system and with it he created the movement called free software. The idea of ​​this movement is that people had to be able to read the source code of programs and be able to modify them according to your needs.

linus torvalds

This went against the proprietary belief that code is owned by the company that creates it, since it is their intellectual property. Richard Stallman wanted to create a completely free operating system which he calls GNU. Ten years later, the project was still moving forward, but it still didn't have the kernel. A kernel is the engine of the operating system, and it is what makes the connections between software and hardware. It was missing a kernel and in 1991, Linus Torvalds he was creating one as his own project, and he classified it as a simple hobby.

He called that kernel Linux, which comes from joining his name Linus and Unix. The result is an operating system on which many other systems were based. As Richard Stallman was only missing the kernel, they both got together to create this way the first free operating system.

What is Linux?

Linux as such is not an operating system, but ul kernel. A kernel is the core that thinks and drives the operating system, and can be used in many different environments. Unix is ​​the first portable operating system, and it has been widely used by other agents, such as MacOs is a Unix-based system. The similarity between these is such that their terminal and command and folder structures are very similar to each other.

It could be installed on various PCs, since computers were very different in the past, and Unix allowed it to be adapted to different PCs. One of them was Richard Stallman's GNU project and also Linux.

What is the terminal and commands?

These terms refer to the interface in which instructions, which are commands, are written to the operating system. A visual interface like Windows is a terminal like MS-DOS It is controlled visually with the mouse and keyboard. In the case of the terminal, the commands are written by hand.

What are Linux distributions?

The correct term to refer to a specific version of GNU Linux is distribution. This is because there is no single Linux operating system, and many are edited according to what uses. These distributions can range from Ubuntu to Linux Mint.

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Here is an inconvenience: what is that is highly fragmented, both at the user and distro level. In this way, a program can be easy to install on a high-level distro, but incompatible with a simpler one, to say the least. This could be fixed with a dedicated recompile for the distribution, but it is not something that is feasible for non-dedicated users or companies. Many times it has been attributed to this why it has never been able to penetrate as a desktop operating system outside of specialized, business circles and a few users.

Why is Linux associated with a penguin?

The Linux penguin is a mascot with which it is associated in graphics and as a symbol. His name is Tux. Tus has come to appear in some games that the community has created.

What systems use Linux?

Linux is especially used on servers and supercomputers that do big data processing. The reason they use it is its open source nature. For a computer, server or supercomputer that is going to carry out specific tasks of a lower or higher level, a very personal system can be created.

In offices it could be used more, but the high fragmentation and compatibility problems with office software make offices choose to buy passwords Windows Enterprise in bulk.

What reasons are there not to use Linux?

The biggest reason is that the software you need to use for work or want to use for leisure is not supported. Another factor would be changing the operating system from Windows to any other distro in a company and having to retrain people in the use of Linux, if it is a time that cannot be lost that does not compensate.

Examples of Linux distributions

  • redhat: Distribution designed for business data centers.
  • debbian: Linux distribution designed for professional users.
  • Ubuntu, Fedora and Linux Mint: Three different Linux distros designed for end users, since they are very similar to Windows visually and usability.

What do different Linux distros have in common?

The main point in common is the command line. A user can control and manage a Linux system with the command line, regardless of the distro it is. It is possible that in some there are some differences, like in Redhat, but they are very small.

Is Linux free?

The business relies on support, because it is highly customizable. Companies that want to use Linux on a dedicated machine can easily download a distro like Redhat. But if it is something that requires optimization down to the last detail, it is very possible that a company wants to hire someone to make a custom distro for the system.

Redhat is the company that earns the most money by providing services to huge companies. Canonical also supports enterprises with Ubuntu Server.

Android is Linux?

Yes and no. Android is based on Linux, but it's its own separate operating system, since, remember, Linux is a kernel, not an operating system. Furthermore, Android is completely proprietary and they decide who can or cannot use Android on their terminals. Although they do not use it because it compensates them that users use Android even in the lowest ranges, except when they are forced.

Android 3.0

The latter is due to the trade war Donald Trump against China and Huawei. The mobile manufacturer was left able to use the most basic of Android but without being able to access the customizations that Google introduces in Android versions, or its software such as the App Store or GMail. another example of this are the different manufacturers of smartphones, which have been making their own versions of Android, compatible with the Google Play Store.

Is Linux secure?

First of all, there is the security of Linux itself, which has a system of permissions and greater security than other systems. Computer security is never infallible, and Linux has been found to have several vulnerabilities.

The reason that before it was said that there are no viruses in Linux, was because it was not widespread enough. But now that it's on the vast majority of large systems and servers, a lot of ransomware is being created because they are the cases in which a ransom is most likely to be paid.

Does learning Linux give you work and job opportunities?

As with any degree in application development, system administration and any variation of the technology sector, there are many opportunities for it. As always happens in the sector, specialization matters a lot. With Linux being widely used in servers, there is a lot going on in the server and system administration industry.

Is Linux or Windows better?

It depends on the use that is going to be given, Linux or Windows is better, depending on which cases. For a home user who wants everything simple, it's best to use Windows, even if that means paying for proprietary software.

For a user who wants to customize the experience as much as possible, they will have numerous Linux distributions to install. In the sysadmin sector, Linux is widespread with Apache and other interfaces. Many system maintenance applications are developed on Linux, and many servers use Linux systems.

linux mint 20

In order to have a basic and functional operating system for an office user, many distributions have suites like Libre Office and Open Office, along with free programs like Gimp. These distributions like Linux Mint offer a Windows-based operating system experience for users.

How to install programs on Linux?

Depending on the Linux distribution, certain software and programs can be installed using installer packages. It is possible in some cases to use the format “.deb“. Some distros have a list of approved applications like an app store, from which to install software. But some packages must be installed manually using the commands of the Linux distribution you are using.

Can you play games on Linux?

Yes, there are games for Linux, and you can play Windows games on Linux. There are a number of games created exclusively for Linux, but they are very few. Steam usually indicates if a game is compatible with Mac, Linux or Windows, although the unanimous number of games are already compatible for Windows. Although the number of Mac and Linux versions on Steam has been greatly reduced due to the fact that Steam is using the Proton emulator, which converts a Windows game on the fly to run on Linux. This is the system they are using so that games can be played on Steam Deck without installing any version of Windows out of the box.

Another option is the WINE emulator, which emulates Windows within Linux. But the use of WINE to emulate games is not recommended if the game is very large and you don't have a PC up to it.

Can I create my own Linux distro?

Yes. You can create an operating system using Linux and distribute it as your own distro. You'll be able to get paid with them, and it doesn't have to be open source.

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Benjamin Rosa

Madrileño whose publishing career began in 2009. I love investigating curiosities that I later bring to you, readers, in articles. I studied photography, a skill that I use to create humorous photomontages.

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