xCloud will not have exclusive games, for now

xCloud will start to play Xbox games on mobile, Xbox One or PC. For now there are no exclusives as such.
The xCloud project in which to have your Xbox game library and Xbox Game Pass available via streaming is one of Microsoft's biggest bets for its future. Especially for Xbox Scarlett, the console that will arrive next year. What could be tempting for service? Some exclusivity but Microsoft does not think about it for now.
xCloud is a plugin, not a separate platform
Faced with doubts that xCloud may have a series of games and exclusive uses of the service, a Microsoft representative commented that for now they have no plans to make such a move. xCloud for now are testing the technology to broadcast games to our devices, and is in its first steps.
In addition, the plan is to make the service something complementary to the Xbox experience. What does it mean? That it will be an addition like PlayStation Now to PlayStation 4, which is one more way to play your catalog. For now they do not plan to make an exclusive game for the service, although they do not rule out that in the future they will do so to take advantage of technology.
If we remember Google's statements on the subject of Stadia exclusives, they were looking for experiences that are not possible with domestic technology, and that use the cloud to calculate large scenarios, live changes, large number of users such as the XNUMX player mode at a time GRID… Something like this they planned in their day for the multiplayer of Crackdown 3, in which they wanted to simulate a huge environment of destruction of scenes with real details and physics, but it was so difficult to do that they had to change the focus of the multiplayer mode and delay the I play for years.
Source: VG 247