Lescovex is a platform for the exchange and creation of state-of-the-art digital goods. A tool that, through the technology of the smart contracts of Ethereum, simplifies the process of Tokenizar any good or active. At the same time the platform offers an online market where to exchange these digital goods, Cryptomonedas, tokens, digital goods or commodities.
Thanks to its strategic alliance with Kantox, a company specializing in Forex, Lescovex users will have the possibility to exchange all the digital goods with more than 10 fiat coins from the market, including EUR, USD, MXN, JPY or KRW.
The main advantage of this innovative model that articulates the creation of tokens and exchange, is that tokens have automatic access to a large exchange market, positively affecting the value and liquidity of any token created from Lescovex.
Lescovex ICO begins!
The distribution of Lescovex tokens [LCX] will take place from 1 March to 19 April and will consist of phases in which different discounts are offered.
Participants will be able to participate in the sale of LCX tokens, where a maximum of 5 million of LCX will be distributed among all their crowdfunders. The first phase of this sale of Criptomoneda, will have the benefit of a bonus discount of 20% on the official price of the 0.01 ETH tokens.
To participate in the distribution of LCX tokens, taxpayers should only register at Lescovex and send their contribution at ETH to the address shown at lescovex.com
Platform features and benefits
In order to create the largest exchange supported by a solid community and committed to the platform, Lescovex will distribute its profits among the entire community that supports the exchange by acquiring the official platform token [LCX]. Therefore, investors who acquire LCX will receive 50% of the commissions of all exchanges generated in the exchange.
The main objective of the platform is to simplify the process of creation of tokens and smart contracts to facilitate the adoption of the emergent blockchain technology in the fintech sector of companies, SMEs and producers of raw materials.
Thanks to Lescovex any type of company will be able to fidelize its business creating and distributing digital tokens between its clients or users from a simple and intuitive interface. At the same time the companies will be able to create smart contracts for the management of products and financial agreements as well as the management of transparent governance on their digital assets.
From Lescovex, you can create financial products capable of transforming any resource or raw material into a digital asset supported by a smart contract, whose value can be easily exchanged in the futures market built on the blockchain.
And this is not all because through its complete ecosystem of smart contracts, companies, startups or small producers will be able to opt to distribute their digital assets in various formats of collective financing such as the public offer of ICO, the Crowdfunding, or Equity Crowdfunding.
The platform will have an extensive system of services for the promotion and dissemination of all digital goods, with the aim of helping to give visibility on the community to the new digital assets published on the platform.
Currently, the project can be tested in an alpha development phase, where some of the main contracts as well as a digital asset exchange panel are already shown.
Lescovex.com has initiated regulatory processes of the financial market Supervision authority of Switzerland (FINMA), whose license will allow it to offer numerous financial products related to the issuance of digital assets. Undoubtedly, it is an advantage that opens up a universe of possibilities for companies in the Criptoeconomía sector, while providing security and confidence to its customers.
Lescovex draws a near future where any value can be digitized and traded in a simple and intuitive exchange and accessible to all the public at a planetary level. A new paradigm shift where SMEs and small commodity producers will be able to access markets and sell their goods directly to their potential consumers without having to go through the long chains of intermediaries that make their Production.
This scenario shows a potential to reach the huge audience that has not yet become familiar with the blockchain technology, much less with the creation of its first digital token.