
Sales fall 1.5% of GPU in the last quarter of 2017, according to the report of Jon Peddie Research

Report by Jon Peddie Research (JPR), is devastating, exposing that in the four quarter of 2017, GPU sales fell by 1.5%, compared to the third quarter last year.

A new report by Jon Peddie Research (JPR), a company dedicated to analyzing different markets, including graphics cards, has just come out. As you know, right now the price of a GPU is a real madness and has been put to the mine of the Criptomonedas, as a great excuse to manipulate the price of these products. The report would endorse this ' theory ', that prices are being uplifted intentionally and a scapegoat would be used.

The report notes that during the fourth quarter of 2017, the sale of graphics cards for the Criptomonedas mine fell by 1.5%, compared to the third quarter. This is indicative of a slowdown in demand. In addition, the report notes that the fall with respect to 2016, in terms of sales, is 4.8%. This fall in sales would have its origin in the high price of the graphics cards.

Another very interesting fact of the report is that during the past 2017, for the Criptomonedas mine, three million graphics cards were sold, which means 776 million of dollars. This is a negligible amount and none of the big two in the sector would refuse.

JPR points out that ' AMD was the main beneficiary of these sales ', since in the first instance the ones that flew are the RX 400 series and the RX 500 series and then already began to buy any graphics card with 4GB of VRAM or more. What's more, he jumped directly into graphics cards designed for the gaming 4k, like the GTX 1080 Ti and went down to the GTX 1060 6GB, depending on stock and budget.

This report is also devastating in terms of falling sales. The crashed in GPU sales has no other reason, than the absurd uploaded prices, made by retailers, who would be selling the stock to dropper (this situation is mainly in the United States).

AMD already said that this mined was one day's flower and they didn't want to have more offer than demand for their products, so they have been looking for balance. JPR also notes that AMD was initially the biggest beneficiary, but then jumped the demand to NVIDIA, due to AMD's inability to meet the high demand.

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Roberto Solé

Director de Contenidos y Redacción de esta misma web, técnico en sistemas de generación de energía renovables y técnico electricista de baja tensión. Trabajo delante de un PC, en mi tiempo libre estoy delante de un PC y cuando salgo de casa estoy pegado a la pantalla de mi smartphone. Cada mañana cuando me levanto cruzo el Stargate para hacerme un café y empezar a ver vídeos de YouTube. Una vez vi un dragón... ¿o era un Dragonite?

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